What is this guide for?

To keep you updated on our website practices, to ensure continuity across the winscouts.org website. 

It's not complete, so let me know which guides you would like written.


Can the banners at the top of the page be changed?

Answer from Scouts Online:


"You can’t change the photo at the top of the Activities at Pinsent page, as this comes from the 2019 styling, but you can add an image banner control below it. "

How can I preview my edits without logging out in the members area?

I’ve setup a generic user as follows:

How do I add more pages?

Just 'activate' a page that isn't being used at the moment. If we have run out of pages, contact Scouts Online.

Embeding a Google doccument.mp4

What are Iframes?

But first, what is an Iframe?

Iframes allow websites to clone the HMTL code from an external website. Iframes are used to speed-up  website development, since we can rely on existing solutions. For instance, many of the doccuemnts on the site are Google Docs Iframes like https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m9CZYkUg-WVnuDRnztBk4KgJDWqxw3fj/preview is an Iframe for a MS Teams tutorial. Google have an endpoint /preview, which removes the editing controls for the PDF. 

Adding an Iframe

This video sums it up nicely: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e8yg14DdvBLwOqKxS8kZp4M5YINxQ8ti/view?usp=sharing

Can I add group specific text on a group page?

Answer from Scouts Online:

"I hope you understand, but I can’t change the group details pages to allow group specific text/content, due to commercial reasons - some other Districts would use this to facility to add so much group specific information that it would negate any need for groups to buy a Scouts Online website.   I believe we’ve discussed this before. "

How often is the website backed up?

Scouts Online's Answer:

I do take backups of the websites from time-to-time, but it would be a manual process to rebuild the menu structure or module data if you make a mistake. 


Can we automate the group waiting lists?

Answer from Scouts Online:

"The R&D for this would be extensive and unlikely to be of use to other Scouts Online County or District users.


OSM integration would slow down the page load, as it would need to ask OSM for the details of all sections for each of your groups and then ask OSM for the details of (youth) members in each of those sections to count them.   So for Winchester that would be over 75 web API calls before the page is shown to the website visitor.


FYI OSM integration is separate for each group, with access set on each section.  This tech-tip for Scouts Online groups, might give you an idea of setting it up - https://www.scoutsonline.co.uk/Support/TechTips/OSMIntegration. For the integration to work, all your groups would need to add a District User (with full Administrator level access to all their data for all the sections) to their group’s OSM.   NB. If just one of your groups or units doesn’t use OSM (or doesn’t want to give access to someone else to administer it), then the figures from the integration would be incorrect.


The precise figures on the home page may be useful for your District Team and Executive, but I’m not sure what value they have to average website visitors.   Would it be better to have some marketing friendly text like “Winchester District prepares more than 1200 young people with Skills for Life. Why not join us – we’ve got vacancies at most of our groups, so apply today” PLUS a sperate spreadsheet (linked from a Members web page) which not only shows headline figures, but showed a graph of membership figures over the months/years for each section in each group – that would be more value to your District Team (to show growth figures) and give GSLs a league table and some figures to aspire to.


To see how many people are actually interested in the figures, you could move the table to a separate page, add a link that people can click on to view it and then add Google Analytics to your website."


Can a larger part of the text be displayed in News and Blogs?

Answer from Scouts Online:

"The news page wouldn’t look great if it showed all the text for all the articles in one list, especially if the news article is 2000 words long.   I agree about the number of clicks, from the home page, it’s just one click to open a recent news article. "

Still can't find what you are looking for?

Drop me a message at webdeveloper@winscouts.org