Creating Users

Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐

Prerequisites: an admin account at

If you are of the video type here is a ramble of me in the User Mangement section.

User management.mp4

Adding users is a difficult procedure.

It can't be automated, and you most likely here only because something has gone wrong.

Oftentimes, you may skip doccumentation. However, please read this one.

Getting to user management is simple. Its an option from the admin menu:

You can view all the items about a reccord by clicking ammend.

Standard editing here as well:

Just make sure the Email address isn't a duplicated, and the Email privacy is sensible.

This page is so complex. If users aren't showing up it is for a full host of reasons.

I'll give you the 'theory' of how to set it up, and then create a dummy user, and show them why it is not working!

None of these steps are optional!

  1. Choose the Team of the user. A user may be both a Winchester District Scout user and a member of a Scout Group. Confused? It means I could be the Commisioner of Winchester & A Bevear Leader at the 6th.

  2. Scouting Role MUST be chosen. There are a limited number of roles, and there not granular [not even a webmaster ☹], so chose the one that fits best. This is what controls the team heirachy.

  3. Check Directory. If this is unchecked they will not appear in the group directory, which is like our contact book [].

  4. Now tick the teams you want them to be a member of first. The text box allows you to customise their title, so I could be in the Media Team 'Junior Webmaster' etc.

  5. CLICK SAVE! Do not forget this step!

  6. Adding photos is tempremental. The best way to do this is to upload photos to the file manager first, and then add them to the user.

Optional steps

Role description: Used if the Scouting Role doesn't have a definition. I'm using it to show I'm the webmaster. Treat it as an override.

ITS NOT WORKING!! (optional read)

User one doens't appear in the team (don't bother looking, its not there!)

Solution: Role wasn't set up: users must have a role to show in the directory. Find the closest match, and use the Role Description for what you actually need.


You can see even though User One was set to County Commissioner, the Role Description Overrode that.

Wrong order of heirachy

Guess who the problem is? Yup. Test user should not be the top. He also goes by a different name in this group:

So we need to change the role, and add some text to specify what role he does in this group.

Make sense?

If not, drop me an email at