Adding a link to a PDF

This allows people to make a copy of a document, and refer to it, offline. It's also great for printing.

The task sounds simple: Go to Admin > File Manager, upload your PDF, copy the link and you're of to the races. But hold on: which link am I supposed to use?

a, or link ?


Since the website has multiple URIs, this makes a unique set of challenges. What happens when a user from follows a link to Obviously, the file loads as expected, but if it were a webpage, it would load as a new tab. Far from ideal.

It also has a maintenance challenge. What happens if we decide that should be moved to Corrupt links. But there is one safe assumption we are able to make. If the website exists, then Scouts Online exists and since the Scouts Online domain uses HTTPS, PDFs will load faster, and it is a more professional experience.

To get started, upload your PDFs to the file manager as normal.

The Virtual path isn't much use to us, since it won't be accepted in a menu control, since it is not an active server page (.aspx).

Copy the full path into your menu control, but change the domain to & click save. You're done!